Historical events and timeline
First appearance at the Web3 Summit 2018 in Berlin Edgeware: A Wasm smart contract platform built on Substrate
Lockdrop announcement
Lockdrop launch
Lockdrop V2
Testnet genesis in 2019 and onwards:
v0.1.1 SlurmChurm
v0.1.3 Basquiat
v0.1.5 Bacon
v0.1.6 Twisting Edward
v0.1.7 Identifiquate
v0.1.8 Gottem
v0.1.9 Katchup
v0.2.0 Mustard
v0.4.0 Kyoto
v0.5.0 Prayin
v0.9 Erdős
v0.9.9 סוף testnet v099
v1.0.0 Berlin Testnet
v3.0.5 Bergmannkiez
v3.0.8 Beresheet
Decentralized Mainnet genesis in 2020 and onwards:
v3.0.1 Edgeware Mainnet
v3.0.8 Naples
v3.1.0 New York
v3.2.0 Tokyo
v3.3.2 - v3.3.5 Wako
v3.4.0 ERUP4
v3.5.1 ERUP5
v4.0.0 RC1
PreviousEdgeware ecosystem’s highlights:NextStruggles and Setbacks: Unraveling Edgeware's Blockchain Journey
Last updated